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Dan dječijeg obdaništa Gradačac

Javna ustanova dječije obdanište „Kolibri“ Gradačac svečano je obilježila 45. godišnjicu osnivanja. Svečana ceremonija održana je u prepunoj gradskoj sportkoj dvorani.


Uz bogat program kojeg su pripremili najmlađi sugrađani i osoblje ove ustanove prisutnim roditeljima, gostima i zvanicama ovim povodom obratio se direktor ove ustanove i Općinski načelnik. U svom obraćanju  mr.sci Edis Dervišagić uputio je čestitke i istakoa značaj ove ustanove u odgoju najmlađih sugrađana.



If you are not good in writing essays on your own, you can hire an essayist to write your essay on your behalf. There are many advantages of employing an essay writing service. First of all, it could save you time it will make corrections and proofread the essay. It will also detect plagiarism to ensure that you do not copy writing from other writers. It can also help you find the best essay writer through reading feedback of customers who have used the service before. It is essential to select one that is willing to treat clients with respect, and not take advantage of their services.